St. Aloysius Gonzaga is a Christ-centered Roman Catholic elementary school, where the children are empowered to grow as disciples of Christ.

St. Al's Fish Fry

Starts Friday, March 7th!

. . . and continues each Friday through Lent

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alligator confetti
Copy of Thank you Sponsor

Join in the Fun! - St. Aloysius Progressive Raffle

St. Aloysius Gonzaga School is having a monthly progressive raffle.

Drawings will be held the 3rd Friday of each month, October through May.

Monthly cash prizes: $100 - $500 October - April, and $500 - $1,000 for the final drawing in May.

The prize will be dependent on the number of tickets sold each month. Tickets are $5 each, or 5 for $20.

All tickets sold carry forward through the final drawing.

Al's at a Glance:

School Hours: 7:45am - 2:15pm *Children may be dropped off as early as 7:00am

We accept Ohio EdChoice Scholarships

Parish and CCF Scholarships are also available

Free and Reduced Lunch program

We use iReady for student assessment testing.


Big possibilities await the students and families who discover the excellence, innovation, tradition and community that are the hallmarks of our school community.
Parents and students are drawn by St. Al’s small size, strong academic program, and warm, welcoming atmosphere. These create a positive learning environment for children and a comfortable sense of community for their families. Children are nurtured to develop to their spiritual, academic and social potential, learning by experience the values of discipline, responsibility, morality and leadership. Students are guided in these objectives by our dedicated, caring faculty members who are deeply committed to their students' success.

Home of the

alligator with GATORS behind