Absence Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.I am Reporting *Child SicknessPlanned Absence (HS Visit, etc.)Doctor/Clinical/Dental/Ortho VisitChild Name *FirstLastGrade *—choose one—PreschoolKindergartenFirstSecondThirdFourthFifthSixthSeventhEighthDate of Absence: *Expected date to Return **If a student is absent 3+ consecutive days or 12+ non-consecutive days in any two consecutive trimesters, the parent/guardian must provide the school with written notice from a physician.Symptoms/Illness *Any siblings affected as well? *—choose one—YesNoName(s) and Grade Level(s) of siblings *Planned Absence Dates *Please let us know the start and return dates of your trip/absence.Reason for Planned Absence *—choose one—High School Visit / ShadowingBereavementVacation/Family TripOther*Family vacations during school time is discouraged, but we recognize parent prerogative. Teachers are not required or expected to plan assignments before the vacation or to provide missed instruction when the student returns. One-week written notice needs to be given to each teacher affected. Assignments may be given the day before the student’s absence from school, however, it is the student’s responsibility to seek the information, complete the assignments, and turn in the work as arranged with the teacher(s).Explanation of "Other" *Are there any siblings leaving as well? *—choose one—YesNoName(s) and Grade Level(s) of siblings *Date & Time you will pick up your Child *DateTimeTime refers to the time you will pick up your child from school, not the time of the appointment.Any siblings leaving as well? *—choose one—YesNoName and Grade Level(s) of siblings *Will your child be returning to school? *—choose one—YesNoThis field is for morning appointments, to give us an idea if the child will be gone a half day or full day. Expected time of Return *Anything else we should know about upon your child(ren)'s return?Phone of Parent/Guardian reporting Absence *Email of Parent/Guardian reporting Absence *Submit