Preschool Curriculum

All classes and ages will use the following curriculum for religion, outlined by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati's Graded Course of Study, and learn the following:
- Attend Mass once a month beginning in December
- God is the Creator of the World
- Jesus helps us to know God's Love
- Identify the Bible as a Special Book that we treat respectfully
- Name the members of the Holy Family
- People of the Church are God's family
- Advent, Christmas, Lent & Easter are important seasons in the liturgical year
- Liturgical gestures of the sign of the cross, kneeling, bowing, and the sign of peace
- Express love & gratitude to God for life and His gifts to us
- Honesty, sharing & respect for others
- Define prayer as talking and listening to God
- Demonstrate different ways to pray
- Identify praise & thanksgiving as forms of prayer
- Show respect for God's gifts and care for the environment
- Based on Jesus' teachings, show forgiveness and ask forgiveness of others
- State the two great commandments Jesus taught: Love of God and love of others
Three Year Old Class
To be placed in this class, children must turn 3 by the start of the school year and be independent in the bathroom.
Three year old children will focus on the following objectives in the the courses of study outlined below:
Language Arts:
- Recognize and write first name
- Knowledge of upper case letters
- listen to and retell stories
- Writes using pictures
- Introduce an understanding of concepts about books and print
Math, Science & Social Studies:
- Count to 10
- Compare & contrast sets and objects
- Create patterns
- Make observations & draw conclusions
- Respect the environment
- Develop a sense of community
- Sort by color & shape
- Name 6 familiar colors
Life Skills & Motor Skills:
- Know his/her age
- proper pencil grip
- Use a pencil, crayon & scissors effectively
- Zip or button coat & put on hat/gloves
- Jump, run, balance, climb, throw & catch a ball
- Solve problems while working with other children
- Eye-hand coordination and refined small muscle control
Social & Emotional Development:
- Participate in group activities
- Cooperate with peers
- Follow class rules & routines
- Engage in problem solving behavior
- Work independently

Four Year Old Class
To be placed in this class, children must turn 4 by the start of the school year and be independent in the bathroom.
Three year old children will focus on the following objectives in the the courses of study outlined below:
Language Arts:
- Recognize and write first & last name
- Knowledge of upper & lower case letters
- Listen to and retell stories
- Writes using pictures, symbols & letters
- Develops an understanding of concepts about books and print
- Recognize rhyming words
Math, Science & Social Studies:
- Count to 20
- Compare & contrast sets, objects & information on graphs
- Create patterns
- Make observations & draw conclusions
- Respect the environment
- Develop a sense of community
- Sort by size
- Name 10 familiar colors
- Walk up and down stairs alternating feet
- Walk forward and backward easily
- Identify numbers
- Understand number order and quantities
- Draw a person with 4 body parts
Life Skills & Motor Skills:
- Know his/her age, birthday, address & phone number
- proper pencil grip
- Use a pencil, crayon & scissors effectively
- Zip or button coat & put on hat & gloves
- Jump, run, balance, climb, throw & catch a ball
- Plans & solves problems while working with other children
- Develops eye-hand coordination and refined small muscle control
- Distinguish left from right
Social & Emotional Development:
- Participate in group activities
- Cooperate with peers
- Follow class rules & routines
- Engage in problem solving behavior
- Work independently
Five Year Old Class - Prekindergarten
This class is for children who do not meet the cut-off date for Kindergarten or who are not ready for Kindergarten. To be placed in this class, children must meet the age requirement to attend Kindergarten for the school year. Children must also be independent in the bathroom. The five year old / PreK curriculum are the same curriculum standards used by the four year old class.