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About St. Al's Athletic Association
Our Mission
Growth Through Sportsmanship and Healthy Competition
St. Aloysius Gonzaga Athletics supports the growth and welfare of children through sponsorship of athletics teams and by encouraging participation in supervised leagues so that the principles of good sportsmanship are instilled into the character of our children.
Gators teams are open to children of the members of the St. Aloysius Gonzaga Parish, children enrolled in St. Aloysius Gonzaga School and area families with children in need of a team.
Sponsored Youth Sports
Adult Sports

Oldtimers Men's Softball
Email Tom Ramstetter at tramstetter@gmail.com for more information
St. Aloysius Outdoor Sign
The St. Al’s Athletics Association through the Communication Trustee board member maintains messaging on the outdoor sign located along Bridgetown Road across from the gym. Below are guidelines for messaging and submission.
Message submission
- Messages for the sign should be submitted to the Communications Trustee, Kevin Vassar.
- Messages should be submitted no less than one week prior to the date and time message needs to go out. This is so the Communications Trustee, a volunteer, can make time to add the message.
Messaging guidelines
- Message should be short and scannable text that is easily digestible by passersby, especially drivers.
- The Communications Trustee will provide guidance on messaging on a case-by-case basis and will serve as editor for all messaging to ensure clarity.
- Priority will be given to messaging from St. Al’s Athletics, St. Al’s Church, St. Al’s School and the St. Al’s PTO.
- Other parish organizations may submit messaging for the sign to be vetted and approved by the Communications Trustee. Messages will be displayed if there is no conflict with the above-mentioned groups.
- Priority will be given to messages promoting parish-affiliated and parish-organization events and endeavors, such as school enrollment.
- Spiritual messaging is welcome and will be displayed when possible, especially during Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter.
Questions? Please contact Athletics Communications Trustee, Kevin Vassar.